The role of monitoring in combating hate speech in the Ukrainian mediaspace

  • К. О. Темчур Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
Keywords: media criticism, journalistic ethics, professional journalistic standards


The paper summarizes the functions of monitoring of the Ukrainian media space for hate speech. The functions of these monitoring can be reduced to the following: educational (familiarize with the definition, types and examples of hate speech); self-regulating (contribute to the self-denial of journalists by hate speech after familiarization with its types and examples given in the monitoring); informational (contain information on the legal mechanisms for regulating hate speech in the media); ideological (explaining the reasons for the emergence and danger of the spread of hate speech, its role in the dehumanization of society); recommendation (providing advice on combating hate speech in the professional journalistic community and at the all-state level); comparative (to compare the results of monitoring of different years and draw conclusions about its development). The following features of hate speech monitoring demonstrate their exceptional significance to combat this phenomenon. The results of the study can be an argument for convincing sponsor organizations of the importance of monitoring, and hence the need to provide funds for them. In addition to specific results, monitoring includes a definition of hate speech, raises the question of the actual absence of its legal regulation, gives their own recommendations to the organization to counteract hate speech, give examples of positive measures and initiatives to combat this phenomenon. As our research has shown, in recent years in Ukraine there is a large number of monitors of hate speech in various types of media. However, these monitors very rarely and superficially affect hate speech in television, in particular, news, broadcasts.


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How to Cite
Темчур, К. О. (2019). The role of monitoring in combating hate speech in the Ukrainian mediaspace. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Social Communications, (14), 48-53. Retrieved from