Courtroom comics: the history of the establishment
The article is devoted to the problem of the emergence, formation, and existence of a сourtroom comics. Its history, the roots of the occurrence of the phenomenon are described. Its connection with judicial sketches is traced, in the 17th century, they were one of the means of informing the public about what is happening in the courtrooms during processes that have a public outcry. We will examine how popular the format of judicial sketches and comics is today when filming and audio recording of legal proceedings is allowed in many countries, and comics is only one of the alternative ways of transmitting information. We observe how the initial information function gives way to the emotional. We consider cases when a сourtroom comics is created not just to notify the public, but to attract its attention. We look at specific examples of modern forensic comics. We explore the process when artists create these comics in Eastern European countries. We conclude that comics are made during resonant vessels. The article provides examples from Russia. We also describe at what stage of formation they are in Ukraine. In addition, we give a brief idea of what topics this kind of comic book can cover now, in what forms it exists. We explore the prospects for the development of сourtroom comics, as well as the prospects for its study.
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