Meme as a communicative unit: synchronicity and concept diachrony
The paper discusses the problem of memes in their manifestation as information units that make it possible to transmit information and serve as a communicator both in separate social groups and between them. The analysis of scientific works on memetics is carried out, and specific theses on which scientists are based are considered. Different approaches to the classification of memes were also used, representatives of different categories and the current state of the culture of memes, its intersection with other cultural phenomena were highlighted. The basis for the study was the historical development of memes, memetics, and their current state, the support of scientific research is the work of Russian and foreign scientists. The scientific article covers the main periods of the development of memes: from ancient times to the present, the main characteristics of the meme as an information unit are indicated. A study was made of the concept of meme, its transformation, as well as dependence on the source of origin. The paper also discusses the semantic meaning of memes, their modification in situational conditions and in terms of the stage of social development, the system of social values. Classifications of memes are of particular importance for the paper, since it is with their help that it is possible to study these information units, to identify their features and characteristics. The paper can be of great importance for the Ukrainian scientific environment, because the topic of memes and memetics as a whole is poorly studied and requires increased attention from scientists, precisely because of the relevance of the phenomenon and the great influence on the information sphere of the world, and particularly in Ukraine.
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