Symbolism in modern motorcycle journalism
A fast development of media and the glut of information market caused a reorientation of the traditional media. In particular, the specialized media, which previously focused on a certain segment of the audience, changed the vector of their work. In modern conditions these media, as limited press, transform into a universal communicator. Now they do not allocate the audience, they allocate the information. The orientation to a wider audience leads to the simplification of specialized texts. In this regard, the uncharacteristic elements, in particular symbols, appear in the texts. The similar processes occur in the motorcycle journalism. In the proposed research we examine the concepts of «motorcycle journalism» and «symbol». Moreover, we investigate the impact of the symbols on the content and communicative potential of specialized motorcycle texts. The work is based on few scientific publications, which create the general objectivity of the published material. The practical analysis of publication includes an analysis of the most popular print edition on motorcycle topic «Moto» on the territory of Ukraine.
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