Specifics of advertising the «children’s» goods
The article analyzes promotional messages designed for children of all ages. The ads targeted by boys, girls, as well as gender-neutral video clips are singled out. The focus is on the various ways and features of attracting children’s attention, on the main ideas promoted in advertising messages. The article highlights the peculiarities of advertising for girls and boys: the image, the main idea, the use of color, music, special effects, etc. The essential difference between gender-based advertising has been emphasized. When analyzing the ads, you can easily find out by the children of the most important and viral creams in the advertisements of the child audience. Advertising is not just about the information about the product, but about the part of the mass culture, and it’s great for the societal development of the society, about the gender and the stereotypes. Modern advertising offers a large number of variations of characters, each of them in its own way attracts children and adolescents.
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