Сultural discourse in new media
The article deals with the notion of the impact of the phenomenon of culture on the audience, with the role of mass media in the process. The 21st century makes a new way to interpret the notion of culture, its social status, its development trends and opportunities. By exploring media texts, we become both creators and co-authors of the discourse, and in a given situation, communication provides the greatest effect in achieving communicative tasks. It should be noted that mass media predominantly have a suggestive effect on the mass consumer, since under those conditions or situations based on the principles of information manipulation of human behaviour. A modern person faces an easy choice: to be a consumer of mass, duplicate information, or to isolate certain enculturation elements, ignoring the general information trends. The thesis provides a detailed analysis of the cultural changes that have occurred as a result of the emergence of new media. Special attention is paid to the mechanisms of interaction between cultural processes in the context of mass communication and perception of the cultural component as a communicative form. This article will be of great assistance for the construct of new Ukrainian media platforms.
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