The leaders of opinions as subjects and communication tools of the book publishing house

  • Т. С. Єжижанська Kiev Boris Grinchenko University
Keywords: opinion leaders, book publishers, public relations, PR communications, publishing communication


The article is devoted to the study of the role of opinion leaders in the PR-activity of book publishing houses in Ukraine. The research shows the content of the concept of «the leader of opinion», characterizes their varieties, clarifies the methods attracting opinion leaders in the PR communications of the publishing house, and their influence on the effectiveness of the PR activities of Ukrainian book publishing houses. According to the results of the survey, the most active book publishers attract such leaders of opinion to PR communication as authors, bloggers, media professionals (well known journalists, media owners, literary critics), as well as artists and designers; much less publishers cooperate with public figures and at least collaborate with statesmen and politicians. Including opinion leaders by PR specialists of publishing houses to communicate with target audiences allows increasing trust both to the publisher and to his books, forming a positive attitude to the brand of the publishing house, stimulating readers to the behaviour they should have.


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How to Cite
Єжижанська, Т. С. (2018). The leaders of opinions as subjects and communication tools of the book publishing house. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Social Communications, (12), 51-58. Retrieved from