«Western media» in Ukrainian media: ways of reference, themes, extention and intention of the concept

  • Ю. А. Козир Sumy State University
  • О. М. Євтушенко Sumy State University
Keywords: Western media, Ukrainian media, themes, Western journalism standards


The research deals with the representation of «Western media» in publications on online news media in Ukraine. As a theoretical background, it is revealed that among Ukrainian media scientists the attitude to «Western media» is ubiquitous: from idealization and hyperbolization of their role in Ukrainian information processes to blames for dependence on advertising and aggressive obstrution of Western values. We have analyzed seven most popular Ukrainian news online media (24tv.ua, obozrevatel.com, segodnya.ua, tsn.ua, rbk.ua, telegraf.com.ua, censor.net.ua). The chronological frame was July 1, 2016 – July 1, 2017. The sample consisted of 320 publications with mentions of «Western media» and similar concepts. The concept was mentioned without the specification of media title in 71% of publications. The research showed that «Western media» were mentioned in quotations, references (when «Western media» were the sources of information, provided by the journalist of Ukrainian media) and journalists’ comments. «Western media» were referenced when it went about politics, celebrities, and less often when it was about Ukrainian and Russian sport and accidents abroad (terrorist acts, car accidents etc.). Journalists referenced primarily to news agencies and online newspapers (mostly quality media, but also some tabloids) of the USA, United Kingdom, and Germany. BBC, Daily Mail, Associated Press, Radar Online were mostly mentioned. The attitudes to «Western media», expressed by Ukrainian journalists, were generally neutral, less often critical and rarely – ironic. The total positive attitude was found in Ukrainian actors’ quotes. Russian officials were found to express only negative attitude.


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How to Cite
Козир, Ю. А., & Євтушенко, О. М. (2018). «Western media» in Ukrainian media: ways of reference, themes, extention and intention of the concept. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Social Communications, (12). Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/sc/article/view/11776