Broadcasting as a means of social communication in Ukraine: the formation of news content

  • В. П. Федоренко Kiev National University of Culture and Arts
Keywords: media, broadcasting, content, news, social communications, audience


It is proved that the media of Ukraine have a direct influence on the formation of news content. The basis for the success of news content is the focus on the truth, the narration and presentation of information and its usefulness to the consumer. A brief overview of domestic media, ways to use news content from their own work experience at UTN, parliamentary TV channel «RADA», and the use of the programme concept of «flow» that collects programmes of a wide range of topics and genres, is carried out. The focus is on the principles of studying the peculiarities of the formation of news content today, the influence of the media and television and radio media in the context of the implementation of social communications and the formation of civil society. It is proved that the policy of domestic news should be based on the principles of informational openness and transparency. A model of civic culture is an information basis for determining news content.


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How to Cite
Федоренко, В. П. (2018). Broadcasting as a means of social communication in Ukraine: the formation of news content. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Social Communications, (12), 23-30. Retrieved from