Theoretical advances of N. Luhmann as a methodological basis of media research
It is noted the need to use N. Luhmann’s thoughts on communication theory in the conduct of media research. The main provisions of N. Luhmann’s communication theory are considered in the context of his theory system. The essence of the scientist’s views on the phenomenon of the media is illuminated. The originality of his reception of this phenomenon is determined. It is noted that N. Luman imposes the function of managing the system of introspection of the social system on the media. Reality is available to us only through the mediation of the media. The mass media are the first-order observers which construct the reality. The researcher must observe how they manage it. N. Luhman considers this process on the example of three subject areas: news / comments, advertising and entertainment. The mass media system performs selection by a code information / non-information. N. Luman singles out 10 typical selectors for news. The principle of selectivity, substantiated by N. Luman, can be a useful addition to the methodological toolkit of media research. The possibility of applying the basic provisions of N. Luhmann’s theory of communication as a methodological basis of modern media research is analyzed. It is substantiated that N. Luhmann’s theoretical statements about the mass media do not enter into a conflict with the theory of social engineering, but merely demonstrate a different «optics» of the investigation. The conclusion is drawn that the «second order» observer mission can be entrusted to researchers in the field of social communications.
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