The main trends and constructs of post-journalism

  • М. В. Бутиріна Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
Keywords: post-journalism, mediatization, amateur content, non-linear media consumption, institutionalization


The article deals with the phenomenon of post-journalism in its main trends and constructs. The author points out such phenomenon as the emergence of several professions in mass communication, related to the production of the content that mimics journalistic texts but is a technological product by its nature. The role of amateur content for the functioning of journalism of a new type is revealed. The violation of traditional journalist standards by the journalists is claimed problematic. The article emphasizes the appearance and consolidation of the form of nonlinear media consumption, which turns the managed media consumer into the prosumer of media products. The role of mediatization for the transition of journalism to the new stage of the institutional cycle is substantiated. Participatory journalism, which is largely based on the creative activity of the amateurs and the initiatives of the audience, needs some legal regulation and ethical review. It is concluded that post-journalism is a stage in the development of the profession of journalist associated with the blurring of institutionalization, the emergence of the new forms of identity and transformation of the role of the addressee.


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How to Cite
Бутиріна, М. В. (2018). The main trends and constructs of post-journalism. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Social Communications, (12), 9-13. Retrieved from