Professional roles of journalists: theoretical approaches and relevance of studies in Ukraine

  • Г. Й. Будівська National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
Keywords: professional roles of journalists, journalistic professional roles, professionalism of journalists, functions of journalism, journalistic role performance


This article outlines the development of the theories concerning journalistic professional roles, which has been taking place since the mid-twentieth century. The author analyzes the genesis of theoretical and empirical researches on respective topic both in functionalist and interactionist traditions, paying major attention to the role of perceptions and to the role of performance concepts. The article emphasizes the recent comparative empirical studies on journalists’ professional roles involving data from dozens of countries all over the world, yet missing the Ukrainian perspective. Due to the lack of research on journalistic professional roles in Ukraine and given that comparative studies have been of great importance globally in the last decade, the author proposes the ways of integration of the Ukrainian context into the international academic research area.


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How to Cite
Будівська, Г. Й. (2018). Professional roles of journalists: theoretical approaches and relevance of studies in Ukraine. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Social Communications, (12), 4-8. Retrieved from