Professional Disadaptation In The Structure Of Psychological Health Disorders Of The Family Members Who Are Involved In Joint Business

  • Anna Markova Private Higher Education Institute "Kramatorsk Institute of Economics and Humanities of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine", Kramatorsk


The world history of the family business contains many centuries and knows many examples of the sustainable development and the prosperity, and real catastrophes. What reasons cause the vector of the development of the family business? Understanding this is important not only for the Ukrainian economy, but also for the psychology. In Ukrainian business, in which mainly members of the same family are involved, the period of rotation has come: those who founded it, gradually move away from business, and it would be logical if they were inherited by the children. But it turns out, for the young this solution is not obvious, and for many of them – so undesirable that it causes resistance. Ignoring this trend leads to destructive changes in the health of the younger generation and has negative effects on health of the older. During the research features of the development and clinical phenomenology of professional disadaptation were studied as a manifestation of disorder of psychological health of family members who are engaged in joint business. Results of the study indicate the need for development of the system of psychocorrection of their psychological state.


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Author Biography

Anna Markova, Private Higher Education Institute "Kramatorsk Institute of Economics and Humanities of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine", Kramatorsk

postgraduate student


How to Cite
Markova, A. (1). Professional Disadaptation In The Structure Of Psychological Health Disorders Of The Family Members Who Are Involved In Joint Business. Psychiatry, Neurology and Medical Psychology, 3(2 (6), 107-112. Retrieved from
Medical Psychology