Features Of The Quality Of Life Of Patients With Paranoid Schizophrenia With Depressive Symptoms

  • Khrystyna Zhyvago Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv


The prevalence of depressive symptoms among patients with paranoid schizophrenia (7–75 %) leads to interest in studying the social impact of mental pathology and also that there is a need to study the mutual influence quality of life (QoL) and depressive symptoms (DS) in this category of patients is of particular importance. During the study it was found that DS reduced the QOL of patients with paranoid schizophrenia in almost all spheres of life. A DS displays that first of all there are declines of the mental condition and overall health. The least amount of influence was on such indicators as narrowing of the circle of contacts, limitation of physical capacity, and therefore – the absence or frequent job changes, worsening financial condition and a sense of well-being of patients. On contrary, lower level of depression eliminates these manifestations and improves QOL. Therefore it is essential to develop a set of measures for medical and social rehabilitation of patients with paranoid form of schizophrenia with symptoms of depression, which will take into account the identified features.


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Author Biography

Khrystyna Zhyvago, Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv

postgraduate student


How to Cite
Zhyvago, K. (1). Features Of The Quality Of Life Of Patients With Paranoid Schizophrenia With Depressive Symptoms. Psychiatry, Neurology and Medical Psychology, 3(2 (6), 21-25. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/pnmp/article/view/8324