• Костянтин Дмитрович Гапонов КЗОЗ «Обласний наркологічний диспансер»
Keywords: alcohol dependence, clinical manifestations, psychosocial stress


The article noted that in recent times Ukraine has been characterized by the presence of a significant number of stress factors, as a result of which an increase in the long-term stress load occurs. It is indicated that this forms a number of adverse factors affecting the increase in the use of psychoactive substances in the community, first of all, of alcohol. To the fore among these factors, above all, is the action of superstrong stressors, such as political and economic instability and fighting in the east of Ukraine. It was stated that taking into account the systemic interaction of these stress loads (political and economic instability and combat actions), approaches to the treatment of alcohol dependence with comorbid post-stress states should be based on biopsychosocial bases, and the existing therapeutic and rehabilitative strategies should be significantly modified according to the formation and course of this dependence.To understand the ways of modifying existing therapeutic and rehabilitation strategies, taking into account the aggravating effect of stress on the formation and course of alcohol dependence, we analyzed the characteristics of the clinical arrangement of alcohol dependence in individuals with various psycho-traumatic experiences and levels of psychosocial stress. It was established that the clinical symptoms of alcohol dependence in general were more variable in the group of combatants, slightly less - among immigrants; and the differences between the two groups in the overwhelming majority of symptoms are not significant. Local residents showed a significantly smaller variety of clinical symptoms of alcohol dependence, although in general the prevalence rates of its manifestations in all three groups are comparable. Significantly more pronounced differences in clinical symptoms were found when analyzing it, taking into account the level of psychosocial stress, which suggests this factor determining the clinical variability of alcohol dependence. The findings suggest that the degree of vulnerability to psychosocial stress and response to it are the leading factors in determining the clinical arrangement of alcohol dependence. Indicators of participation in hostilities or forced displacement also have a certain value, but their effect on the variability of the clinical symptoms of alcohol dependence is less.


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How to Cite
Гапонов, К. Д. (2018). SPECIFICITIES OF CLINICAL ARRANGING ALCOHOLIC REMEDY IN PERSONS WITH VARYING LEVELS OF PSYCHOSOCIAL STRESS. Psychiatry, Neurology and Medical Psychology, (1 (9), 43–54. https://doi.org/10.26565/2312-5675-2018-9-06