• I.V. Soldatenko
Keywords: hypertension, osteoarthritis, control, circadian blood pressure profile


Studied The effectiveness of controls comorbid with osteoarthritis (OA) hypertension (H) at stages of therapy in the light of day profile of systolic blood pressure in 43 patients aged 59 ± 10 years. The study involved 23 patients with comorbid with OA H (H + OA), 20 with isolated H (IH). Found that age-comorbidity of hypertension increases with greater frequency of occurrence in females. Osteoarthritis increases the severity of hypertension without significant effect on baseline blood pressure in the daily profile of systolic blood pressure. Control of blood pressure is equally effective in patients with comorbid with osteoarthritis and isolated arterial hypertension. Effectiveness of controls was higher in patients with non-dippers and below – with dippers and night-peakers circadian blood pressure profile. Comorbid with osteoarthritis as well as isolated, arterial hypertension and dippers and night-peakers day profile of systolic blood pressure requires a more intensive antihypertensive therapy.


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How to Cite
Soldatenko, I. (1). EFFECTIVENESS OF CONTROLS COMORBID WITH OSTEOARTHRITIS HYPERTENSION AT STAGES OF THERAPY IN THE LIGHT OF DAY PROFILE OF SYSTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Medicine", (19), 61-65. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/medicine/article/view/6940
Clinical research