• Lie In
  • A.S. Isaeva
  • M.I. Yabluchansky
Keywords: quality of life, arterial hypertension, clinic


The interrelation between the quality of life and clinical manifestation of arterial hypertension (AH) was studied at 121 patients (out of which were 50 men and 71 women) in the outpatient setting. The age of observed patients was 52.7±8.98 years. The mean continuity of AH is 10.9±8.11 years, the levels of systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressures are 172.1±16.55 mm hg and 101.9±8.57 mm hg Those who had myocardial infarction less than 5 years ago, heart failure of IV FC, diabetes mellitus, corpulence of the III – IV level, ulcer of stomach and duodenal ulcer were excluded of the research. The group of control was 17 healthy people of the same sex and age. The quality of life was judged by the general index of life quality (GILQ), which was identified by the scale of Ferrans&Power. Three groups of patients with GILQ were picked out, who had 90, from 90 to 120 and more than 120 scores. The calculation of the statistical datum was made due to SPSS 10.0 for Windows. It is shown the definite interrelation between clinic manifestation of AH and patients' quality of life. The more severe clinic cases took place by GILQ with less than 90 scores. The definition of GILQ is recommended for treatment the patients with AH in medical practice. 


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How to Cite
In, L., Isaeva, A., & Yabluchansky, M. (1). QUALITY OF LIFE AND THE CLINIC OF ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Medicine", (4), 17-19. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/medicine/article/view/7341
Clinical research