• M.I. Lutai
  • А.N. Lomakovskyi
  • T.I. Gavrylenko
  • S.I. Deyak
Keywords: angina pectoris, inflammation, cytokines, inlerleukins, C-reactive protein


We have established that 127 patients with stable angina pectoris (III-IV grade) and confirmed stable plaque diagnosed by angiography demonstrated a higher level of the inflammatory markers (C-reactive protein, interleukins-6, -4, -10, -8; interferons; cell inflammatory reactions) which are responsible for chronic immune inflammation. The activity of systemic inflammation is not associated with the number of affected vessels and disease duration, but more considerable manifestations of immune inflamination occurs in patients with a high functional class of angina pectoris. 


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How to Cite
Lutai, M., LomakovskyiА., Gavrylenko, T., & Deyak, S. (1). THE SIGNS OF SYSTEMIC INFLAMMATION IN CHRONIC ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Medicine", (11), 75-77. Retrieved from
Clinical research