The Emotion Marking in the Historiographical writings (on the materials of the V. Buzeskul`s Historiographical Works)

  • Ю. А. Киселева
Keywords: history of emotion, emotion marking, history of historiography, V. Buzeskul


The article is a case-study. It investigates emotion marking in V. Buzeskul’s historiographical works. The author considers the question of how emotions are represented in his historiographical texts and examines the meaning of the emotions as part of the research toolbox of a positivist historiographer. The author advances the thesis that emotions could be a research object, instrument of argumentation and part of a research hypothesis. The author argues that studying emotions and emotion marking can open up new approaches for present-day history of historiography


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How to Cite
Киселева, Ю. А. (2017). The Emotion Marking in the Historiographical writings (on the materials of the V. Buzeskul`s Historiographical Works). Харківський історіографічний збірник, 15, 90-102. Retrieved from