The Slavophiles and the Westerners in the Mutual Evaluations of the 1850s

  • А. Д. Каплин
  • И. М. Харченко
Keywords: S. M. Solovyov, «government school», Khomiakov, the Slavophiles, «anti-historical trend», history of Russia


The article examines one of the key problems in the mutual assessment of historical views of Westerners and Slavophiles in the second half of the 1850s, namely after the publication of the 6th volume of «History of Russia from ancient times» by S. M. Solovyov (1856). Taking into consideration the fact that both the famous historian and his legacy have been told about a lot in more than a century and a half (although much of that requires rethinking), the article mainly focuses on the judgments of his opponents.


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How to Cite
Каплин, А. Д., & Харченко, И. М. (2017). The Slavophiles and the Westerners in the Mutual Evaluations of the 1850s. Харківський історіографічний збірник, 15, 79-89. Retrieved from