Transformation of Multi-Level Governance based on Global Strategies of the EU and National Resilience of Ukraine under Conditions of Hybrid Threats

Keywords: multi-level governance, EU global strategies, European security, national security, national stability of Ukraine, hybrid threats


The article examines various aspects of the transformation of multi-level management based on the application of EU global strategies and the definition of the institutional foundations of the formation of the national system of stability of Ukraine in the conditions of hybrid threats. It is emphasized that the focus on the implementation of the common policy and global strategies of the EU regarding the functioning of the new European model of multi-level management, strategic security and stability should be determined by the coherence of the key subjects of strategic decision-making, aimed at ensuring the effectiveness of such policies and strategies in the conditions of global influences and hybrid threats.

It is proved that the transformation of multi-level management in relation to the European security strategy also changes the perception of the relevant threats towards their acquisition of a hybrid character in the conditions of long-term instability in the social, economic, political and energy spheres. This indicates, first of all, the increasing complexity of the geopolitical environment in the permanent process of the security transformation of the EU, which is taking place in the conditions of the spread of regional and local conflicts and their territorial approach directly to the borders of the EU and is characterized by a crisis in the system of international relations, which is associated with changes in the dominance of the liberal model of public policy in the direction of a more pragmatic, i.e. real policy, which is based mainly on the real conditions and possibilities of power relations, both in relation to the domestic and foreign policy of the vast majority of the countries of united Europe.

It was determined that the Ukrainian context of the formation of a national system of stability should be based on a clear understanding of threats to the national security of Ukraine, which according to the Law of Ukraine "On National Security" should be considered: phenomena, trends and factors that make it impossible or difficult or may make it impossible or difficult to realize national interests and preservation of Ukraine's national values, and under stability - the ability of society and the state to quickly adapt to changes in the security environment and maintain sustainable functioning, in particular by minimizing external and internal vulnerabilities.

It is proposed to consider the national system of stability as one that should ensure the ability of society and the state, as the highest form of its institutionalization: to identify external and internal threats, to direct activities in the field of national security to the timely identification of other vulnerabilities, to assess real and potential threats to national security , take actions to prevent negative impacts, as well as ensure effective response and quick recovery from the consequences of emergency situations and crisis events, including and hybrid threats.

It is noted that the further development of the concept of multi-level management in the context of ensuring the comprehensive security of the state should be focused primarily on the use of effective mechanisms of influence, through the use of international-legal, political-diplomatic, organizational-economic, socio-humanitarian and others, including safety means, as well as the implementation of appropriate measures.


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Author Biography

Valentin Suvorov, Kharkiv National Medical University, 4 Nauky Avenue, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine

candidate of sciences in public administration, assistant professor of the Department of Public Health and Health Care Management of the Kharkiv National Medical University, 4 Nauky Avenue, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine


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