Theoretical aspects of state policy in the sphere of financial security of Ukraine
The article reveals the meaning of the concepts "security", "financial security of the state"; the scientific discussion regarding the understanding of the definitions of the essence of financial security in the context of public administration is outlined. The complexity of the scientific category "financial security" is pointed out, its meaning in a broad sense is revealed. The peculiarities of the financial security of the state in the modern world are determined. The structural components of the financial security of the state are singled out: budget security, debt security, monetary security, currency security, investment security, banking security, and security of the non-banking financial sector (financial security of insurance and stock markets).
It is emphasized that the study of the problem of financial security of the state should be based on scientific and theoretical approaches to the understanding of the main security concepts in their broad sense and the peculiarities of the historical, socio-economic development of the Ukrainian state - on the one hand, and taking into account progressive foreign experience - on the other.
It is noted that the essence of the concept of "financial security" includes its relationship with the national security of the country as a whole, since a shortage of financial resources can lead to underfunding of basic needs in various spheres of society's life and slow down economic development.
Emphasis is placed on the fact that financial security is an integral and important component of the state's national security. Financial security enables the state's ability to implement an independent financial and economic policy in accordance with national interests. The problem of state financial security is closely related to the formation of a holistic concept of state financial policy in general. It was found that financial security is a multi-level system created by a number of clearly structured subsystems with logical development. The basis of financial security is the overall stability of the financial system at the macroeconomic level.
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