The concept of the state administration mechanism: modern approaches

  • Serhiy Dyachenko Classical private university, Zaporizhzhia
Keywords: tate, state administration, means, mechanism of state administration, principles, development, management mechanism, functioning, influencing factors


The article highlights the definition of the concept of "mechanism of public administration",
reveals its meaning and essence, outlines the theoretical basis of the mechanism of public
administration as a scientific category. Emphasis is placed on the improvement of state
management mechanisms in the context of the country's economic development in modern
conditions. It is emphasized that the approaches to the interpretation of the meaning of the concept
of "mechanisms of state administration" can be classified according to the following criteria: the
mechanism as a means and method; mechanism as a system; mechanism as a set of actions. It is
noted that on the basis of modern approaches to the definitions of the concept of "mechanism of
public administration", the following definition can be formulated: the mechanism of public
administration is an artificially created system of means of organizational, legal, economic,
motivational, influence and interaction of subjects and the object of administration, which ensures
the coordination of the interests of the participants of public administration, who interact with each
other. This is a set of means, levers of influence and incentives used by the state in various spheres
of social and economic life with the aim of achieving certain results in the development of the
The principles on which the functioning of state management mechanisms is based are
highlighted: the principle of progressiveness and perspective; the principle of compliance of the
management organization in the domestic system with the best examples of foreign experience; the
principle of complexity, which implies the need to take into account all factors that affect the
effectiveness of public administration; principles of unity of management, optimality and efficiency
in making management decisions, etc. Emphasis is placed on the fact that mechanisms of state
management have a specific nature and that each specific mechanism should be considered as a set
of mutually agreed management methods.


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Author Biography

Serhiy Dyachenko, Classical private university, Zaporizhzhia
graduate student, Classical private university, Zaporizhzhia


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Theory and Philosophy of Public Administration