The right to regulate the rights of subordinates in the business community

Keywords: rights protection; business intelligence; competition; government agency; legislation


It is stated in the statute that the legal seizure of the rights of subordinates of the state is clearly linked to the specifics of the state’s action. The most complex nature of this kind of activity, the complexity and the heterogeneity of the scope of the trade for the complexity of the legal institutions involved from it. The relevance of the reverse is surrounded by the problems that arise in the process of realizing the subjects of the state’s right to seize that glades, to avenge the law. On the current problems, connected with the characteristics and peculiarities of the ways to seize the rights of the subordinates of the government, not to end up with fragmentation. At the same hour, I myself will help the subjugator, who will help the sub to realize its right to acquire the specifics of the acquirer from the singing branch. Likewise, the witness to the protection of the rights of subjects sovereigns to be introduced, as introduced into the system of legal and organizational and technical calls, directing to secure the realization of the rights of subjects and preventing them from being violated. It’s also a way to get a visa, because I’ve been transferred by law, because I’m without a preference for getting rights. At the same time, I am able to take over by a Kintsev act to take over material and legal actions from the viewers, or jurisdictional actions, from the decision to transfer to the path of the subjects of their rights. It is intended that the ways to seize the rights of subordinates of the state can be transferred both by legislation, as well as established by the agreement. The main regulatory legal act, which specifies the specifics of the rights of subordinates to the government, is the Gospodar Code Ukraine, as a matter of fact, up to the point that the skin subordinate of the state is given the right to seize his rights and legal interests.

Meaningfully, is a defendant of the rights of subordinates of self-help and the state’s gratitude to the specific procedure prescribed by the state legislation, especially, to present that way of building up the specifics of the specifics. Such a rank, the seizure of the rights of subjects of the sovereign can be significant as a complex for a legal character, as it becomes stagnant in the breakdown, non-knowledge, challenge of the rights of the subject of the sovereign, for those who have been violated by law, have not been violated, have not been violated as well as securing the attention to the interests of the subjects.


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Author Biography

Katerina Dubovik , KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor of Law and European Integration,

KRI NAPA, Kharkiv


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Social and Humanitarian Components of Public Development