Public policy measures in the field of education during the COVID-19 pandemic
An important conclusion in the context of the coronavirus pandemic is the need for a rapid response by governments and other public authorities in charge of education at the regional / local level to the current situation. Priority issues to take into account are: introduction of additional funding, adaptation of educational content (national educational programs, manuals and textbooks) to new conditions, support for students from low-income families and children with special needs, cooperation with parents, private entities, especially providers Internet services and media of all forms of ownership.
The crisis in education caused by the COVID-19 pandemic shows vulnerabilities in education systems, and stimulates states and societies to innovate and develop inclusiveness. In the long run, the departments responsible for developing public policy in the field of education will face additional tasks:
- Improve the security system to be able to take exams online. Particular attention should be paid to the organization of examinations of increased importance (for example, entrance exams to the HEI or national testing), which usually do not involve access to additional resources and provide a strict system of identification of the test subject.
- Experiment with different time frames and teaching models. Exploring how pupils and students acquire knowledge in different circumstances of time and place, which will help public authorities to unleash the potential of distance learning.
- Empower teachers and lecturas to get the most out of the distance education system. They will be able to test different teaching models to develop methods that contribute to a more effective learning process.
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COVID-19 Educational Disruption and Response. UNESCO. URL:
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