Formation of environmental policy in modern conditions
The implementation of environmental policy is extremely important, as environmental threats are increasing, and the problems associated with them go beyond purely environmental, because they affect issues of public goods, which can not be solved only by private action. Different countries have accumulated considerable experience in these issues, but as the problems themselves change, adaptive and flexible approaches to environmental policy-making must be developed. Models and theories of construction of the process of environmental policy formation, as well as measures for their implementation at the national level are analyzed.
The stages of formation of ecological policy in modern conditions are theoretically substantiated. These include the following: 1) setting the agenda (determining the range of issues and discussion by groups of influence); 2) formulation of environmental policy; 3) legalization (legitimization) of policy; 4) policy implementation; 5) evaluation of the policy and environmental programs; 6) change of environmental policy. At each stage the actual ecological problems and consequences of realization are allocated.
Emphasis is made on the need of analysis of social, economic and environmental risks in their connection for the formation of environmental policy. The issue of compromise between economic development, change of political forces and environmental security is considered. It is proved that the general political process is very dynamic. Conditions can change dramatically as new data and arguments emerge, environmental issues are rethought, and new policy solutions, such as market incentives and public education, are put forward and considered. Although the stages of environmental policy are analytically distinct and logically organized, this sequence of actions in the policy process may follow a different order, the stages may intersect, and actions may take place in more than one institutional setting, demonstrating flexibility and adaptability.
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Kraft, M.E. (2018). Environmental policy and politics. New York: Routledge, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay.