Еffectiveness of legal mechanisms to guarantee local self-government

Keywords: public administration, local self-government, the mechanism of legal guarantee of local self-government, the effectiveness of legal mechanisms.


The article analyzes the effectiveness of legal mechanisms to guarantee local self-
government. The research methodology involved taking into account classical theories of legal
mechanisms to guarantee local self-government.
The issue of the effectiveness of legal mechanisms for guaranteeing local self-government as
legal entities endowed with powers within which they act independently and are responsible for
their activities is considered. Certain powers of executive bodies granted to local self-government
bodies by the current legislation, in the exercise of which they are under the control of the relevant
executive bodies, are considered.
The author conducted an analysis and developed recommendations for further improvement
of the effectiveness of legal mechanisms to guarantee local self-government.
In article identifies the main directions of improving the system of state power and
mechanisms of legal guarantee of local self-government.
It is determined that the main directions of improving the system of state power and
mechanisms of legal guarantee of local self-government are the need to improve the system of legal
mechanisms of guaranteeing local self-government of Ukraine, in which the territorial community
is constituted as a grassroots self-governing unit.
Changing the status, functions and powers of local state administrations and forming on
their basis executive bodies exercising control and supervisory functions, ensuring implementation
of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, other executive
bodies, observance of law and order, implementation of executive functions authorities that cannot
be decentralized.


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Author Biography

Yegor Pavlov , KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

Postgraduate Student of Regional Development and Local Self-Government Department, KRI NAPA, Kharkiv


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