Directions of improvement of mechanisms of formation and implementation of the state policy of development of the transport industry of Ukraine

Keywords: public management and administration, state policy, transport industry, problems and contradictions of transport industry development, mechanisms of state policy formation and implementation


The directions of improvement of mechanisms of formation and realization of the state policy for the decision of existing problems and contradictions of development of transport branch of Ukraine in the conditions of integration processes and existing challenges and threats are defined. To increase the efficiency of the country's transport sector, it is necessary to implement at the state level a comprehensive program of renewal and modernization of all modes of transport, which will include a set of policy-integration, regulatory, organizational-administrative, financial and economic volume of investments, including foreign ones. Identified areas for improving the mechanisms of formation and implementation of state policy for the development of the transport sector should ensure sustainable (socio-economic and environmental) growth of Ukraine in the long run and increasing the country's international prestige. Improving the mechanisms of formation and implementation of state policy for the development of the transport industry of Ukraine in modern conditions should include increasing economic efficiency and competitiveness of all sectors and spheres of the transport sector by: comprehensive adaptation and harmonization of this sector of the economy to European legislation; improving the quality of transport services, their safety, improving the environmental performance of the transport sector, improving the effectiveness of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union in the field of «Transport, transport infrastructure, postal and courier services».


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Author Biography

Yulia Krykhtina , Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Kharkiv

PhD in Economic, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of management and administration,

Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Kharkiv


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Regional and Industrial Management