Cognitive model of food policy optimization in the context of fighting diabetes mellitus
The article analyzes public policy in the field of food security as a provision for citizens not only physical and economic, but also cognitive access to food necessary for health and optimization of choral stereotypes of the population. Food policy is considered as a bilateral process of formation. On the one hand - the optimal range of food resources in the country and constructive food ideas and guidelines for their use. The concept of cognitive accessibility of food is conceptualized. It is established that today the incidence of diabetes in terms of prevalence and growth rate has gone beyond the purely medical problem and has become a political problem. It has been proven that the political dimension of diabetes prevention and control is recognized as a challenge to human civilization at the global level. The urgency of the problem is substantiated, because in recent decades there has been an intensification of social movements and non-governmental diabetic organizations in many countries, including Ukraine. They focus their efforts on improving the life expectancy and quality of life of people with diabetes. The main causes of diabetes are analyzed. The relationship between malnutrition and the incidence of this disease has been studied. Cognitive distortions and barriers that distort the eating behavior of the population have been identified. And also significantly contribute to the spread of diabetes. It is substantiated that the increase in the incidence of diabetes is one of the most important indicators that indicates miscalculations in the field of food security policy. The cognitive accessibility of certain products along with their physical and economic accessibility is highlighted. It has been studied that many food resources that are physically and economically available to citizens, such as "food", do not exist at all and are not considered normal food. Political strategies for correction and development of food mentality of citizens in the context of the state program to combat diabetes are proposed. Based on the analysis, it should be noted that today we should pay special attention to the cognitive model of optimizing the food policy of the state in the context of the fight against diabetes. The development of innovative public food security management in Ukraine requires extensive and long-term informational and educational work with the population, farmers and the authorities; scientific and practical research in the field of revival of old and creation and development of new collection technologies, development of a productive regulatory framework for collecting.
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