Improving the organizational mechanism of the state language policy formation and implementation in Ukraine

Keywords: state language policy of Ukraine, mechanism of public administration, organizational mechanism of management, structure, powers


The need for state influence on the regulation of language relations is actualized by the multifunctionality of the state language as a social institution that ensures the proper functioning of the national organism, serves as a means of official communication in the country. In addition, the state language is one of the main features of the state, which allows it to be identified as an independent and sovereign state. Today, the study of the state language policy principles in Ukraine has received enough attention from academia, various centers of activists, intellectuals and others.

In the conditions of unplanned unsystematic development of language relations in Ukraine, caused by a number of objective and subjective factors, researches of approaches to formation of effective public administration system in this specified sphere, and also interrelations of its constituent elements become more and more important. An important thing is organizational structure of government, the rationality of which determines the success of the entire management system.

Therefore, the organizational mechanism for the state language policy implementation is, first of all, a system designed for the practical implementation of state policy in the field of language relations, which (system) has a certain structure and methods of regulation and development of such relations (tasks, functions, powers, measures etc). All this reveals the concept of structural and functional support for the implementation of state language policy.

Based on the fact that language policy has two components (for the regulation of language relations, development and protection of language), the structure of the organizational mechanism of public management should reflect these areas. Thtrefore, the main subjects of formation and implementation of language policy in the field of language relations regulation are: the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Committee on Humanitarian and Information Policy), the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy, the Ministry of Education and Science, other ministries, central collegial bodies (councils, council experts, commissions, etc), relevant structural subdivisions of oblast and rayon state administrations, territorial bodies of CEBs, executive committees of local self-government bodies in territorial communities, settlement, mayors of territorial communities, public institutions and organizations, etc.

Regarding another component of language policy – the development and protection of state language, in addition to above mentiones authorities, the following entities should be identified: the Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language, the Institute of Ukrainian Language of the NAS of Ukraine, the Institute of Linguistics, O. O. Potebny NAS of Ukraine, T. G. Shevchenko National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the National Commission on Spelling under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Coordinating Council for the Use of the Ukrainian Language in All Spheres of Public Life under the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy, the National Commission on State Language Standards, and public institutions and organizations.

Based on all these bodies, it can be concluded that the state has created an extensive structure at the central level, which is tasked with conducting language policy, although a separate body has not been created. In our opinion, there are almost no more problems with the structural and functional support of policy implementation at the regional and local levels. At the same time, it should be emphasized that it is at these levels that the real implementation of language policy takes place, they are the closest to the citizens and their problems.


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Author Biography

Maryna Bihari , KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

Postgraduate student of the Ukrainian language department KRI NAPA, Kharkiv


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Pro perelik, kilkisnyi sklad i predmety vidannia komitetiv Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy deviatoho sklykannia Postanova Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy vid 29 serpnia 2019 r. No 19-IX 4. URL: [in Ukrainian].

Social and Humanitarian Components of Public Development