Structural-functional approach to the formation of legal awareness in public officials
In this article the author focuses on the constitutional aspects of state formation of Ukraine, which can not be resolved without the formation of the necessary level of legal consciousness and legal culture of citizens, society. Therefore, today, in the context of the integration processes of the Ukrainian state into the European Union, there is an important task of rethinking and perceiving the new democratic values of public life, which requires a critical review of approaches to enhancing legal consciousness of public servants and fostering the new legal values. The author outlines the existed issues in the field of civil service today that prevent a confident and coherent movement for reforming state administration into public administration, and to build the rule of law and civil society. Among the main problems the author highlights the lack of high-level legal consciousness among public servants admitted to governance, that accordingly sets the task for society to determine certain evaluation criteria of the legal consciousness of candidates for certain public service positions.
The article outlines the conceptual field and defines the essential characteristics of legal consciousness, its types and structure. Indeed, such negative socio-psychological factors as “absenteeism”, “legal nihilism”, “legal idealism (fetishism)”, “legal radicalism” and others, hinder the development of legal consciousness among public servants in terms of public administration reform. The author characterized the purpose and provision of legal educational influence in the governance activities of public servants. The conditions that directly affect the mechanisms of legal consciousness development among public servants in the conditions of public administration reform are determined. This article also considered the tasks and directions of such mechanisms improvement in modern conditions.
The author of this article reveals the content, structure of legal consciousness among public servants in the context of public administration reform.
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