Ways of transformation of public governance and administration in the sphere of civil protection in the conditions of Ukraine's euro-atlantic integration

Keywords: PhD in technical sciences, Doctoral student, Educational, Research and Production center of National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine


Transformation of the system of public management and administration in the sphere of civil defense in the Euro-Atlantic environment should include a set of systemic actions of the country for a long period (at appropriate stages), implementation of a mission and achievement of long-term goals. Ukraine's participation in training activities with NATO has a positive effect on the professional level of Ukrainian rescuers, allows to master special procedures and standards of the Alliance, gain experience in international exercises and international rescue operations, which in turn improves interoperability with member countries and states Alliance partners in the implementation of joint emergency response tasks, and also creates favorable conditions for further integration of Ukraine not only into the military-political but also into the civilian system of the Alliance in the context of Ukraine's preparation for NATO membership. The strategy of Ukraine's integration into NATO should ensure the country's entry into the European political, legal, economic, informational, and security space. On this basis, obtaining the status of full membership in NATO in the medium term should become one of the priorities of the strategy of formation and implementation of Ukraine's state policy in the sphere of civil protection in the current challenges.


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Author Biography

Vitalii Kropyvnytskyi , National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Kharkiv

PhD in Technical Sciences, Doctoral student, Educational, Research and Production center of National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Kharkiv


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World Experience of Public Administration: Theory and Practice