Main directions of search for effective methods of state regulation of economic relations of business structures
The article examines the main directions of searching for effective methods of state regulation of economic relations of business structures. The objective nature of the growing attention of the state to the level, quality and efficiency of economic relations arising between various economic entities is proved. This is due to many different factors and phenomena, which implies the search for an adequate regulatory mechanism that operates on the basis of ensuring a compromise between market (corresponding to the ideas of entrepreneurship) and administrative tools, methods and models. At the same time, it is concluded that the existence of an effective system of state regulation of economic relations is one of the most important components and conditions for the development of the business environment and the entire national economy.
Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign experience, one of the most effective tools in this area can be considered the use of the so-called "risk-based approach in the implementation of state control (supervision)". Significant experience of such work has been accumulated in many economically developed countries, especially in those that hold leading positions in international ratings of the development of the business environment and entrepreneurial activity.
At the national level, it is necessary to create a developed socio-economic system that will serve as the basis for the formation of an effective business environment and the establishment of economic relations that satisfy the interests of a significant part of economic entities.
When building a management mechanism and regulatory mechanism, it is necessary to rely on existing forecasts of socio-economic development and, on the basis of this, model results designed for the long term.
The creation and functioning of a clear and transparent system of economic relations provides for the formation of an effective management mechanism based on a combination of state and market regulation.
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