Militarization of challenges and threats in cyberspace as an operational environment

Keywords: operational environment, cyber space, cyber security, cyber threats, cyber influence, cyber operation


The target vectors for the protection of fundamental national interests of Ukraine in cyberspace are oriented not only to collective cyber security, which is implemented with the help of partner states and allies, but also to its own cyber defense system, which is not only able to compete in conditions of hybrid threats, but also to deter their aggressive and uncivilized orientation and countering them in cyberspace.

Modern cyberspace is much more than just the Internet or a collection of any other computer networks, access to which is possible only through certain software applications, settings or authorization, or the use of standard and non-standard communication protocols or ports. All elements of networks (systems), access to which opens cyberspace, can be potential targets and potential threats.

Cyberspace provides appropriate opportunities for both friendly or neutral forces (armies) and for the enemy (potential enemy). The dependence of the armed forces on cyberspace is associated with certain risks, but it also creates a need for the creation and development of the corresponding capabilities of the troops (forces).

So, the article reveals the essence of the operational environment, which is a set of conditions, circumstances and factors affecting the use of forces and means. It is substantiated that its components are related to a specific physical or virtual space, as well as a set of capabilities of troops (operational, combat, special) and skills necessary for planning and conducting operations.


Author Biography

Yevhen Zhyvylo , V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4 Svobody Sq, Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine

doctoral candidate of the Department of Economic Policy and Management
Educational and Scientific Institute «Institute of Public Administration»
of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,
4 Svobody Sq., Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine


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Social and Humanitarian Components of Public Development