Integrated multilevel governance and convergence of public administration concepts in the conditions of global challenges

Keywords: multi-level governance, public management concepts, network management, convergence, poly-subjectivity, global challenges


The article summarizes various concepts of public management and other management approaches, which made it possible to propose an integrated approach to the transformation of multi-level governance and to determine tools for increasing its effectiveness based on the convergence of concepts of public management in the conditions of global challenges and hybrid threats. The need to modernize approaches to multi-level management towards its rationalization while maintaining democratic control over the political processes of formation and implementation of public policy is substantiated. The foundations of the concept of integrated multi-level governance are laid, which involves the convergence of various management concepts, directions and managerial approaches, in particular: concepts of global governance, good governance, new public management, public administration, corporate governance, political networks and network governance, crisis management, project and resource-efficient social management, flexible and adaptive management, sustainable management and quality management, etc. It is proposed to consider the concept of networks as an essential feature of integrated multi-level management, where it seems important to establish a coordination mechanism, which is a sign of effective multi-level management in conditions of polysubjectivity and polycentricity, which requires strengthening the integrity of the understanding of problems and consensus in decision-making, taking into account different visions and understanding of the relevant problems by all participants.


Author Biography

Valentyn Suvorov, Kharkiv National Medical University, 4 Nauky Avenue, Kharkiv, 61000, Ukraine

Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration,
Assistant Professor of the Department of Public Health and Health Care Management,
Kharkiv National Medical University,
4 Nauky Avenue, Kharkiv, 61000, Ukraine


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Public Administration of National Security and Defense Area