The higher education system of Ukraine in the conditions of war: aspects of sustainability

Keywords: public management and administration, higher education system, war, educational process, higher education institutions.


The article is devoted to the consideration of the main challenges and problems that were identified in the higher education system of Ukraine in the conditions of a full-scale war. It has been proven that before the war, the main challenges and problems in the higher education system were mainly focused in the field of industry. It was established that in the pre-pandemic period, problems and challenges in the higher education system were mainly caused by the need to implement the tasks of the European integration course of the Ukrainian state and enter the single European educational space. With the beginning of quarantine restrictions and the legal regime of martial law, the problems and challenges facing the higher education system of Ukraine changed the location of internal origin to an externally determined space. It is substantiated that since 2020, the challenges and problems that were formed as systemic and those that had an extra-branch origin became dominant for the system of higher education in Ukraine. Institutions of higher education of Ukraine in such conditions built the trajectory of their functioning and development taking into account, first of all, the requirements of safety, accessibility and quality of the educational process, development of human capital in the system of higher education. It was determined that the transformation of the higher education system in the conditions of war has content and time characteristics. A list of priority directions for the development of the higher education system in Ukraine for the near future has been created. A conclusion was made about the need for the consolidation of the Ukrainian educational community and international partners for the implementation of innovative approaches in the development of the higher education system in Ukraine in the post-war period.


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Author Biographies

Oleksandra Makurina, Dnipro University of Technology, 19, Dmytro Yavornytskyi Ave., Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine

assistant of the Computer Systems Software Department

Dnipro University of Technology,

19, Dmytro Yavornytskyi Ave., Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine

Iryna Khozhylo, Dnipro University of Technology, 19, Dmytro Yavornytskyi Ave., Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine

D.Sc. in Public Administration, Full Professor,

Professor of Public Administration and Local Self-Government Department

Dnipro University of Technology,

19, Dmytro Yavornytskyi Ave., Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine


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