Directions of improvement of the organizational and legal procedure for leasing communal property
The article analyzes the algorithms of actions when concluding lease agreements for communal property, given in the "Procedure for leasing state and communal property", assesses the results of organizational and legal transformations of the procedure for leasing state and communal property, develops directions for improving the organizational and legal procedure for leasing communal property. Analysis of algorithms of actions when concluding lease agreements for communal property, regardless of who is the initiator of lease relations (potential tenant or authorized management body), as well as regardless of the rental object (single property complex or separate property, object from the List of the first or second type), did not reveal the presence of significant corruption risks, since the lease of state and communal property is carried out at transparent electronic auctions. Assessment of the results of organizational and legal transformations of the procedure for leasing state and communal property indicates the presence of a number of positive changes in this area, such as: the removal of hidden leases from the shadows, a positive impact on the sphere of interests of all stakeholders, a reduction in the duration of procedures, the possibility of free access to information and public control, growth and tracking of rental revenues to the state and local budgets. Among the shortcomings are the presence of negative dynamics of revenues from the lease of communal property to local budgets for the period 2018-2020 and the possibility of certain corruption risks in case of simultaneous claim of several persons for the lease of property without an auction. Based on the results of the study, measures were developed to improve the organizational and legal procedure for leasing communal property in the following three areas: minimization of corruption risks in the lease of communal property without auctions, elimination of shortcomings in the functioning of se "ProZorro.Sale", increase of revenues from the lease of communal property to local budgets.
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