• M. І. Lakhizha Doctor of Public Administration, Full Professor, Academy of Labor, Social Relations and Tourism, Kyiv, Ukraine
Keywords: Republic of Poland, Ukraine, Europeanization, public administration, public services, communications, historiograph


The author of the article continues the study of the process of post-communist transformation in Poland, focusing this time on the analysis of the achievements of Polish scientists in   the   study   of   the   problems   of   providing   public   services   and   public   administration communications.  The  relevance  of  significantly  increasing  attention  to  human  problems,  changing priorities in citizen-state relations as a new vector of state policy is substantiated. Today in Ukraine, the  foreign  experience  of  providing  public  services  and  development  of  communications,  which was  considered  by  the  author  on  the  example  of  the  Republic  of  Poland  in  the  coverage  of  Polish authors, remains relevant for study and implementation.

The source of the research was the published works of Polish authors on public services and communications,  a  large  part  of  which  is  also  available  in  electronic  format.  Relevant  regulatory legal  acts  of  the  EU,  Poland  and  Ukraine,  as  well  as  websites  of  public  administration  bodies  and public institutions of the Republic of Poland, were also developed.

The purpose of the study is to reveal the key concepts and approaches of Polish scientists to the problems of providing public services and improving communications, to identify key directions and methods of public administration work with people, to reveal their results and perspectives, as well as to understand the possibilities of using Polish experience in Ukraine.

To   prepare   the   article,   such   scientific   methods   as   analysis,   classification,   typology, abstraction  and  comparative  studies  were  used.  The  author  notes  the  availability  in  Poland  of publications of materials attempting to generalize the results of previous studies and uses them as a basis. An attempt was made to systematize the available materials, highlighting the publications of regulatory  and  legal  acts,  reports  on  the  results  of  scientific  research,  monographs,  manuals  and articles, as well as the study and dissemination of the best domestic and foreign experience.

The coverage of the problems of public services by scientists of the Republic of Poland was revealed by the author in the following directions: consideration of the concept of "public services" and  their  role  in  modern  society;  classification  of  public  services;  public  services  in  the  aspect  of development  of  a  market  economy  and  a  democratic  state;  co-production  as  the  conscious participation  of  citizens  or  civil  society  organizations  in  the  provision  of  public  services;  concepts of  innovation  and  innovativeness  in  the  provision  of  public  services;  nodal  barriers  on  the  way  to improving  the  provision  of  public  services,  etc.  The  problems  of  communication  development  are considered  from  the  point  of  view  of  improving  the  cooperation  of  the  public  administration  with the  public  and  business,  as  well  as  the  development  of  internal  relations.  In  the  opinion  of  the author, key publications of Polish scientists are highlighted, which are summarized in the following forms:    monographs,    manuals,    articles,    scientific    reports,    collections    of    best    practices, methodological recommendations, materials of scientific and practical conferences.

The  conducted  scientific  investigation  of  the  state  of  coverage  of  the  problems  of  public services and  communications by Polish scientists shows the growing attention to a  comprehensive approach,  which  involves  the  perception  of  improving  public  services  and  communications  in  the direction of improving public administration.


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World Experience of Public Administration: Theory and Practice