Ensuring cyber security in decision making public administration bodies
There are considered in the article the approaches to the organization of safe functioning of public administration bodies in the conditions of modern information technologies development, the necessity of fast and qualitative processing of big data sets, increased attention to timeliness, accuracy and truthfulness of information, the mechanism of providing cybersecurity in making management decisions.
Public administration is the activity of public administration bodies, local self-government bodies, representatives of the private sector and civil society institutions within the limits of the powers and functional responsibilities (planning, organization, leadership, coordination and control) defined by law to form and implement managerial decisions of public importance, development policy of the state and its administrative-territorial units.
The effectiveness of the activities of public administration depends directly on the timely adoption of a competent management decision.
Decision-making is preceded by the processing of large arrays of heterogeneous data, often under the constraints and lack of information.
Today, it is impossible to imagine a decision-making process without the use of computer hardware and technology, which requires constant and high-quality information security, including cybersecurity.
Cybersecurity is an activity aimed at preventing, timely identifying, stopping or neutralizing real and potential threats to the vital interests of the individual and the citizen, society and the state through the use of cyberspace, which ensures the sustainable development of the information society and digital communication environment in Ukraine.
Cybersecurity of public authorities is achieved through a mechanism of cybersecurity that can be defined as a system of legal, administrative, administrative, organizational, engineering, technical and software-technical measures, subjects of interaction, norms, methods, levers, tools, tools that protect the vital interests of man and citizen, society and the state in cyberspace.
Therefore, ensuring cybersecurity in public administration decision-making is an activity aimed at preventing, timely identifying, suspending or neutralizing real and potential threats to public administration decision-making when using cyberspace, through the use of legitimate cybersecurity mechanisms.
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