Scientific justification and methodical providing introduction of an internal system of assessment of quality of education in KRIPA NAPA
The scientific article is devoted to scientific justification and a research of a perspective of methodical providing introduction of an internal system of assessment of quality of education, in the context of KRIPA NAPA.
By the author established that the quality of education is one of the most important criteria of efficiency and success of educational activity of both participants of the educational relations, and the education system. In the context of consideration of etymological aspects of quality of education, proved that the quality as the difficult phenomenon differs in unity of internal and external structural elements, firmness of conditions and results of functioning. Author’s definition of the concept “internal quality system of education” as which it is necessary to understand set of the methods and measures which are carried out for the purpose of guaranteeing and introduction of quantitative and quality indicators of quality of education is offered.
By results of complex scientifically doctrinal research of a perspective the conclusion drawn that one of the most important elements of providing the internal quality system of education is monitoring which can be characterized as complex system diagnostics of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of efficiency of development and functioning of an educational system.
In a basis of an internal system of ensuring quality of education the modern system and optimum administrative paradigm which would be characterized by such factors as has to be put: reorganization of an institution education on the basis of the principles of the general quality management; training techniques, them it is information chronological coherence within all educational activity, an opportunity to carry out and supplement provisions of curricula and programs; creation of a system of motivational actions to self-improvement over the quality system participants of educational process, including, increase in extent of interaction between separate structural divisions; timely and system identifications of shortcomings of the sphere of ensuring quality of education, creation of mechanisms of their elimination by carrying out continuous control and supervising activity in the form of monitoring.
Internal assessment of quality of education it has to be formed as a cumulative indicator of all characteristics influencing educational process therefore the monitoring which is carried out behind administrative to a sample has to become a basis of a system of assessment and quality management of education.
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