Determination of corruption in public administration at the local level

Keywords: corruption, determination, public administration


Consideration of the phenomenon of corruption in the activities of public administration was carried out using determination as a methodological approach to the study of this complex phenomenon. This approach allowed us to consider and highlight the subjective and objective factors of corruption. These factors are considered in a close relationship between conditionality and causality. Corruption in the activities of public administration at the local level is seen as a continuation of high-level corruption and political corruption. Corruption at the local level is also defined as a combination of factors of a person's personal behavior and external influence - for example, “seizure of power” by local interest groups and the like.

We understand that the application of determination as a methodological approach to considering corruption as a phenomenon requires a broader study. At the same time, certain conclusions can be drawn on the basis of the material presented. Corruption is a multifaceted and complex phenomenon within which we distinguish: business organizations (which pursue economic benefits), interest groups (seizure of power, seizure of resources), personality (pro-social and pro-individual behavior, which are influenced by contextual factors). On the other hand, we consider the high level and the local level of government, closely related to each other in the context of considering corruption.

At the highest level, the behavior of officials and politicians who are motivated to remain in office, to enrich themselves, to finance the election campaign, etc. are examined. This leads to activities to build the commitment of local elites (through the distribution of privileges, finances, etc.).

At the local level, the processes related to decentralization are considered, which can influence the degree of corruption in public administration at this level. Determinants are highlighted that can positively and negatively influence the degree of corruption at the local level.

So, the general conclusion of this article is that the determination of corruption in public administration at the local level reveals a certain system of dependences of this phenomenon on a number of factors of an objective and subjective order. These factors condition, limit and serve as the basis for this phenomenon or cause it.


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Author Biography

Oleksandr Cheban , ORI NAPA, Odessa

PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor of Department

of Regional Policy and Public Administration,

ORI NAPA, Odessa


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