Experience of European countries in organization of local government at the base level

Keywords: higher education system of Ukraine; public administration; effectiveness of higher education systems performance; rating of higher education systems; indicators of level of the higher education system development; positioning of Ukraine in the international ranking; higher education institute


Society can obtain the relevant information as a result of the analysis of the result of expert assessments of international agencies and missions. According to the results of the analysis of the thematic direction of activities of the professional in the education sphere organizations, it was found that the most appropriate to the chosen focus is the rating «QS Higher Education System Strength Rankings» of the British agency Quacquarelli Symonds. The corresponding rating not only allows to obtain objective information on the effectiveness of the higher education system of Ukraine, but also to compare the state of its development with the relevant systems of other countries. Such comparison gives us an opportunity to identify those of the higher education systems that have shown the best dynamics of their development, and therefore, to identify countries with the most effective public policy in the field of higher education.

The results of the analysis of the «QS Higher Education System Strength Rankings» on the effectiveness of the functioning of the higher education system of Ukraine, as well as their correlation with the time of performance of their duties by one or another head of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, made it possible to formulate the assumption, that on the one hand, there is no “connection” between the dynamics of development of the higher education system of Ukraine and the personalities of the leaders of some of the government bodies, and on the other, about the fact that Ukraine is gradually backlogging  behind other countries of the world in increasing the dynamics of the higher education development. The analysis of the rating of effectiveness of higher education systems performance made it possible to specify the problems of the development of the domestic system , as well as allowed to suggested directions for their solution by the state.


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Author Biographies

Volodymyr Moroz , National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Kharkiv

Doctor of sciences (Public Administration), Full Professor, Professor of Department of pedagogy and psychology of social systems management,

National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Kharkiv

Svitlana Moroz

Candidate of sciences (Public Administration), Senior Research Officer

of Training Research and Production Center,

National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Kharkiv


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Social and Humanitarian Components of Public Development