Trends and regularities of reforming the mechanisms of state influence on labor relations in Ukraine

Keywords: state regulation, mechanism of state regulation, labor market, labor relations, management


The article analyzes the current state of domestic state regulation in the field of labor relations, its mechanism is investigated.

The main content of the mechanism of regulation of labor relations is determined by the designated purpose of the system of tools and instruments of state regulation (administrative, economic, informational, legislative, legal, regulatory, administrative, organizational-and-economic), the location of these elements, their target functions, the nature of their relationships and interaction.

The disadvantages of state regulation in the field of labor relations are the weakening of the coordinating and regulatory role of the state while maintaining authoritarianism and a rigid power vertical; the cumbersomeness of the legislation on the regulation of labor relations; weakness of trade unions as an institution in protecting the interests of employees; lack of the concept of development of social and labor relations; reluctance of the majority of employees to participate in the formation of the system of social partnership, the predominance of informal practices over formal ones in all spheres of regulation and management of labor relations.

The main attention in the process of state regulation of labor relations should be paid to the economic levers of regulation. The general strategy of state regulation of labor relations should be implemented in two directions:1.Through the implementation of state policy aimed at activating effective demand, in particular, reforming income policy and taxation system, directing pricing policy to increase effective demand. 2.Through the influence of economic levers on the activation of the resource potential of economic entities (investment, tax and credit policy).

The process of formation of labor relations at the same time involves the creation of regulatory institutions. Today, mediation functions for job search are performed by state employment centers and non-governmental organizations that have a certain technology of work and offer their range of services.

The mechanism of state regulation of labor relations cannot be considered as something static. Its composition and structure must be dynamic and formed from the standpoint of situational modeling. In general terms the model of the state mechanism for regulating labor relations should be focused on the priorities of economic development, ensuring full, productive employment and improving living standards.


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Author Biography

Stanislav Amosov , KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

Postgraduate Student of Economic Policy and Management Department,

KRI NAPA, Kharkiv


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