Optimization of instruments of state management of regional development in decentralization
The article deals with the basic scientific approaches to the definition of regional development and regional policy, identifies the main problems of formation and implementation of regional policy of Ukraine at the present stage, reveals peculiarities of influence on the said process of decentralization reform.
It is proved that there are a number of problems of formation on implementation of regional development strategies. The following issues, based on the methods of analysis and synthesis, include: imperfection of the regulatory framework for regional development; differences in approaches to the formation of regional development strategies; low strategy adaptability to changing external and internal conditions; low level of citizen involvement in the development of a specific region; lack of coherence of regional development priorities with the State Regional Development Strategy (or their complete absence in regional development strategies), lack of correlation of regional development strategies with each other.These problems form the inability of regional strategies to ensure the stability of regional development.
The author has determined that modern decentralization processes have a direct impact on the development of regions. In the process of creating a new decentralized management system, a necessary element is a combination of national, regional and local interests. It is also important to take into account the local specificity of socio-economic, political and cultural development, which reflects the need to formulate regional development priorities on their basis. Hence, the task for the science and practice of public administration is to find and provide such mechanisms that would maintain the optimal balance between different levels of government, ensure territorial integrity, unity of the state and the desire of the regions to realize their own potential, to provide appropriate services to the population and to implement strategies as effectively as possible in the context of decentralization on the basis of the established priorities of regional development.
It is determined that the directions of optimization of the state management of regional development are the introduction of integrated approaches to the coordination of regional development strategies in the conditions of social transformation.
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