Theoretical approaches to the structuring of the national economy


The current situation in the economy of Ukraine can be characterized as a crisis. This situation is eloquently evidenced by the main macroeconomic indicators. One of the problems that caused this state of the domestic economy is its suboptimal structure and the lack of successful attempts by the state to carry out structural reforms that could correct the negative inertial scenario of the Ukrainian economy.

The economic structure in macroeconomics characterizes the relationship between the available production resources in the country; the volume of their distribution between economic entities, distinguished on the basis of the social division of labor; between the volumes of production of these entities, as well as between the components of the national product formed in the process of its production, distribution, exchange and consumption.

An imbalance in the development of individual industries, interconnected phases of production, which creates a violation of the normal course of the reproduction process is called a disproportion. There are private disparities that are local and short-term, and general disparities associated with the shock of the whole economy. In practice, balance and proportionality are usually unstable and constantly disturbed. For example, economic growth leads to the establishment of new proportions in the economy. There is almost no complete correspondence between industries in real life. Therefore, there is a constant need to maintain balance by adjusting the proportions between individual sectors and sectors of the economy.

Summing up the consideration of theoretical developments related to the regulation of structural changes, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of integrated use of the above criteria for effective analysis of the structure of the national economy. Analysis of the industry structure will give us a lot of statistics that need to be interpreted using other approaches. The concept of "technological systems" can undoubtedly show long-term trends in the world economy and the current state of the economy of a particular country, but in isolation from other approaches, its predictive power is insignificant and does not allow long-term structural policy planning.


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Author Biography

Andrii Shuvanov , KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

postgraduate student of the Department of personnel management and labour economy, KRI NAPA, Kharkiv


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