Natural resource potential of Ukraine and features of public regulation of its conservation and development
Ukraine has a strong natural resource potential to manage and develop the national economy, a diverse mineral resource base for the functioning of industrial sectors. It is also characterized by good natural and climatic conditions, which together create opportunities for a favorable investment climate and positioning the country on the world market for the sustainable socio-economic development of Ukraine, considering resource conservation technologies and rational use of nature.
The main characteristic of economic growth and social stability of the state is the effective use of the natural resource potential, which it possesses. Adequate attitudes of the society towards nature as a whole and effective state control over the use of natural resources, analysis of factors that hinder the socio-economic development of the state, regarding the public regulation of natural resource potential will allow ensuring the resource and ecological security of its conservation and development.
Thus, the need for a purposeful and effective solution to the problems that have arisen in the field of environmental security and sustainable use is caused by both internal factors (excessive environmental pollution, unsustainable environmental management) and external factors regarding the requirements of the international community, since Ukraine’s strategic goal is European vector of development.
It is becoming promising in the context of the reform of the environmental protection system to implement state environmental policy into solving the problem of environmental protection and rational use of natural resource potential. Socio-economic development of the state and society should be aimed at creating a system to stimulate the conservation and rational use of natural resources with the restoration of its natural properties. Improving the legal framework with a detailed and clear division of powers at all levels of state power (national, regional, local) will allow to ensure the sustainable use of natural resources and the effective development of productive forces.
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