Public policy as a subject of practical activity of public authorities

Keywords: policy; state policy; public policy; public authority; public administration; activity; process; model; subject.


Public policy has been studied as a subject of practical activity of public administration. The political activity of government entities is considered to be the most important function of public administration. This function corresponds to the laws and patterns of its existence, aimed at ensuring the preservation, functioning and development of society. The current general social dominants have strengthened the role of public administration in society, the processes of its democratization. Accordingly, in theory and practice, the problems related primarily to the new understanding of the essence of this function in modern conditions have become relevant.

The political sphere of society is represented by two main political environments: power and public. The first was created by public authorities and the other by public institutions. Their characteristics are studied: political subjects, activity, relations and culture. Their common and distinctive features are revealed. Attention is paid to concepts, political subjects of public power and their activities. The concepts and models of political activity of public power are analyzed.

As a result of this analysis, the concept of "public policy" is formulated - a progressive result, publicly obtained by public authorities, which ensures the preservation, functioning and development of society. The essence of the adjective "public" is revealed. It is a way of denoting: openness and transparency (publicity) of the political process; participation of public entities in it; its implementation in the interests of society as a whole.

A model of political activity of public authorities is developed and described. This model is an open system, combining its main internal (political and managerial processes, resources) and external (prerequisites, resources and mechanisms of public policy) elements. The place, role and essence of public administration by stages of the political process are determined. The concept of "political activity of public power" is formulated.


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Author Biographies

Valerij Bakumenko , KNTU RDF named after Petro Vasylenko, Kharkiv

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Professor of Department of Organization of Production, Business and Management, KNTU RDF named after Petro Vasylenko, Kharkiv

Serhii Popov , ORI NAPA, Odessa

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Head of the Department of Humanities

and Socio-Political Sciences, ORI NAPA, Odessa

Inna Voshko , ORI NAPA, Odessa

Student, ORI NAPA, Director of the Municipal Non-Profit Enterprise "Center of Primary Health Care", Novograd-Volyn City Council, Zhytomyr region, Novograd-Volynskyi


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Theory and Philosophy of Public Administration