Conceptual approaches to public regulation of electronic information resources

Keywords: state regulation; electronic resources; information resources; competencies; interaction; organizational and legal mechanism


It is noted that state regulation extends only to those relationships in which public interest is laid or there is a need for guarantees for private interests by the state. As a result of a systematic structural study of the governing subsystem of state regulation of electronic information resources, it was found that non-state actors, who perform certain tasks and functions on behalf of the state, may participate in its implementation, in addition to state bodies. The interaction of the managed and managed subsystems through the direct and the feedback is carried out by the organizational and legal mechanism of state regulation.

The emergence of information or information-infrastructure relations between the Internet user and the provider, subscriber and mobile operator is possible only after the occurrence between the operator (provider) and the relevant state body of organizational and legal relations concerning the registration and licensing of its activities within the framework of creation, storage and dissemination of electronic information resources.

Thus, the cited features of state regulation of electronic information resources give grounds to definitively define it as the coordinated activity of authorized state and quasi-state bodies, their officials within the limits of legal and ethical norms, aimed at creating conditions for activity of subjects and objects of management in the sphere. information and information-infrastructure relations for the purpose of information society development in Ukraine.


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Author Biography

Yuriy Kleyshmidt, National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Kharkiv

Applicant of PhD of Educational, Research and Productive Center

of the National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Kharkiv


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Theory and Philosophy of Public Administration