Legal and regulatory support of the social protection system for orphans, children deprived of parental care and vulnerable children in Ukraine

Keywords: orphans; children out of parental care, social protection; regulatory support; legal status; social welfare; dysfunctional families.


This article includes the system analysis of legal and regulatory support in the sphere of the social protection system for orphans, children deprived of parental care and vulnerable children in Ukraine. The main direction of development of national Child Welfare system is highlighted. The basic problem issues in the government activities on the implementation of the social welfare public policy are described. An integrated approach to solving problems that are relevant is necessary for the development of domestic legislation.

Social protection is one of the impotent functions of the state. Under the Constitution of Ukraine, the maintenance and upbringing of orphans and children deprived of parental care is entrusted to the State. The State is the only one authorized institution for the organization of society and a subject that forms and implements social policy, including the protection of children. In Ukraine the procedure and conditions for conducting the state social policy issues are established by a specially mandated central authority representative: the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine. This state supervisory body is responsible for setting social standards in the country and other needs. Government policy on the social protection of orphans and children without parental care is based on the following main principles: to develop and implement children’s and social protection related programs and activities at all levels; monitor and evaluate programs and projects on gender, vulnerable, excluded and children with disabilities.

Ukraine has signed international agreements, among which the UN Convention on the rights of the child and later adopted national legislation related to the implementation of the UN Convention. The national plan includes reforming children social welfare system, strengthening of the family institution, the concept of responsibility for paternity, children protection of violence, development of public administration mechanisms during the decentralization reform.

According to Parliamentary hearings on the exercise of children rights it was recognized that negative trends had intensified due to the armed conflict and a deep socio-political crisis in Ukraine. Ukrainian society requires new mechanisms that should be preventive and deal with origin of childhood problems. These mechanisms should also coordinate amalgamated hromades addressing child protection issues at the community level.


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Author Biography

Olena Protsenko , KRI NAPA, Kharkiv

MA in Public Administration, Рostgraduate Student, KRI NAPA, Kharkiv


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