Комп’ютерне моделювання як інструмент фізичних досліджень
Анонсовані нові описи фізичних явищ та нові фізичні ефекти, котрі вдалося виявити шляхом комп’ютерного моделювання процесів.
Belkin E.V. Modulyatsionnaya neustoichivost' voln, podderzhivaemykh vneshnim istochnikom v crede s pogloshcheniem/ E.V. Belkin, A.V. Kirichok, V.M. Kuklin // VANT. Ser.: Plazmennaya elektronika i novye metody uskoreniya. – 2010. – №4(68). – S.291-295.
Belkin E.V. The mathematical models of the modulation instability processes of waves in media with cubic nonlinearity-manuscript: PhD-thesis by speciality 01.05.02 «Мathematical modeling and computational methods» / E.V. Belkin. – Kharkiv, 2010.
Belkin E.V. Development of modulation instabilities in media with damping and forcing / E.V. Belkin, A.V. Kirichok, V.M. Кuklin // High-power pulsed electrophysics: international conference XIV Khariton’s topical scientific readings. Digest of technical papers. – Саров, 2013. – С. 14-20.
Anomal'nye volny v modulyatsionno neustoichivom volnovom pole / E.V. Belkin, A.V. Kirichok, V.M. Kuklin, A.V. Priimak // East Eur. J. Phys. – 2014. – V.1 – №.2. – Р. 4-39.
Kirichok A.V. Allocated Imperfections of Developed Convective Structures / A.V. Kirichok, V.M. Kuklin // Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. Part A. – 1999. – № 6. – Р. 533-538.
Strukturnye perekhody v modeli Proktora-Sivashinskogo / E.V. Belkin, I.V. Gushchin, A.V. Kirichok, V.M. Kuklin // VANT. Ser.: Plazmennaya elektronika i novye metody uskoreniya. – 2010. – №4(68). – S. 296-298.
Gushchin I.V. Pattern formation in unstable viscous convective medium / I.V. Gushchin, А.V. Kirichok, В.М. Куклин // VANT. Ser.: Plasma Electronics and New Methods of Acceleration. – 2013. – №4 (86). – Issue 8. – Р.248-255; Gushchin I.V.. Structural-phase transitions and state function in unstable convective medium / I.V. Gushchin, A.V. Kirichok, V.M. Kuklin // Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Ser.: Plasma Electronics and New Methods of Acceleration. – 2015. – N4 . – Р. 252-254.
Gushchin I.V. Pattern Transitions in Unstable Viscous Convective Medium / I.V. Gushchin, A.V. Kirichok, V.M. Kuklin. - arxiv: 1311.3884v1 [nlin.PS]. - 2013. - 15 Nov.
Gushchin I.V. Pattern formation in convective media/ I.V. Gushchin, А.V. Kirichok, V.M. Kuklin // Journal of Kharkiv National University. Physical Series: Nuclei, Particles, Fields. – 2013. – № 1040. – Issue 1 (57). – Р. 4 – 27.
Kuklin V.M. Symetrii' 1D opysu parametrychnoi' nestijkosti lengmjurovs'kyh hvyl' // Visnyk Harkivs'kogo nacional'nogo universytetu. Ser. fizychna: Jadra, chastynky, polja. – 2013. – № 1041. – vyp. 2(58). – S. 69-80.
Dynamics of ions during development of parametric instability of langmuir waves / E.V. Belkin, A.V. Kirichok, V.M. Kuklin, A.V. Pryjmak, A.G. Zagorodny // VANT. Ser.: Plasma Electronics and New Methods of Acceleration. – 2013. – №4 (86). – Issue 8. – Р. 260-266.
Ion heating, burnout of the HF field and ion sound generation with the development of modulation instability of an intensive Langmuir wave in a plasma / A.V. Kirichok, V.M. Kuklin, A.V. Pryjmak, A.G Zagorodny // Physics of Plasmas. – 2015. – № 22. – Р. 92-118.
Zagorodnii A.G. O spektrakh zakhvachennogo v potentsial'nuyu yamu ostsillyatora / A.G. Zagorodnii, A.V. Kirichok, V.M. Kuklin // Fizicheskie osnovy priborostroeniya. – 2013. – T.2. – №3. – S. 56-63.
Kirichok A.V. On the emission spectrum of oscillator trapped in a potential well / A.V. Kirichok ,V.M. Kuklin, A.G. Zagorodny // VANT. Ser.: Plasma Electronics and New Methods of Acceleration. – 2013. – №4 (86). – Issue 8. – Р. 256-259.
Kuklin V.M. Ob otnositel'noi roli fononnogo spektra i stolknovitel'noi relaksatsii v protsessakh generatsii i rasseyaniya / O.V Kuklina, V.M. Kuklin // Vіsnik KhNU іm. V. N. Karazіna. – 2009. – № 846. – Vyp. 2(50). –S. 20-28.
Zagorodny A. G. To realization conditions of maser radiation / A. G. Zagorodny, V. M. Kuklin // High-power pulsed electro-physics: International conference XIV Khariton’s topical scientific readings. Digest of technical papers – Sarov, 2013. – P. 38-43.
On the formation of pulses of coherent radiation in weakly inverted media / A.V. Kirichok, V.M. Kuklin, A.V. Mischin, A.V. Pryjmak, A.G. Zagorodny // VANT. Ser.: Plasma Electronics and New Methods of Acceleration. – 2013. – №4 (86). – Issue 8. – Р. 267-271.